Monday, June 9, 2014

Book Series: How I Feel

    As you may know, book series are a way for authors to continue their characters' story and a strategy to sell more books.  Chances are, readers will want to continue reading books about a character that they know and love than about a character they do not know.  Also, a series gives the author the ability to end one book so it leads into another. 
    I have a love-hate relationship with series.  The love part of it is because I like to read about characters I know.  For example, I love two crime series because I love the main character in both.  The first series is Lee Child's Reacher series where Jack Reacher is the main character.  I have read three or four of these Reacher books.  Another series is Robert Crais' Joe Pike books.  I have also read three or four of these books.  I do read single books but I more often read books out of a series.  Another reason I like series is it makes it easy for me to find a new book when I am looking for one.  My favorite series are a go-to pick when I'm looking for a book to read.
    The hate side of my relationship with series is because I closes my eyes to other possible reads.  Since my favorite series are a go-to, I tend to not want to try new books or new series that I don't know much about.  I don't want to spend the time reading a book that I might not like.

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