Monday, June 9, 2014

Book Genres

    When it comes to genres of the books I read, they do not vary much.  I usually like to stay in the crime/mystery realm of literature.  I like these books because I like wondering what will happen from page to page.  I like the suspense.  That means, I will like a book of a different genre if it has aspects of suspense in it.  My interest in a book is more about the topics discussed rather than the genre it is in.  For example, in class we just read Something Like Normal which is not a book I would typically pull off the shelf and start reading because it is a touchy feely book.  But, since I had no choice and had to read it for class, my mind was changed.  Although the book discussed feelings in depth, it was also about war and soldiers coming back from Afghanistan.  That was the part of the book that interested me.  Similarly, The Art of Racing in the Rain was a book that I thought I would not like at all.  Instead, after reading it, I thought it wasn't too bad because it discussed topics of racecar driving and legal trials.  This is what I'm saying about books that aren't in the crims/mystery genre that I enjoy reading.  I also see that there is a lot of overlap between books in different genres.  Just because a book is in sci-fi doesn't mean it can't have aspects of mystery in it and appeal to someone who likes mystery novels.  I can't say that I like one specific genre because there is overlap between the genres.  I can say, though, that I prefer books with aspects of mystery and suspense in them.


  1. I also love crime/mystery novels, however, I have read both of these book and would agree that they are both very good. I understand what you mean about books overlapping in genre because I have read a lot of books that do that as well.

  2. I felt the same way about Something like normal book because usually i don't like war books but when i started reading it i really enjoyed it.
